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Found 4376 results for any of the keywords stories of change. Time 0.013 seconds.
Stories of ChangeFirst hand stories of the children, families, and communities who received One Drop's support. Read about how the gift of water transformed their lives.
Education NGO in India: Charity Supporting Children EducationSmile Foundation is a leading NGO dedicated to providing quality education to underserved children in India, including Delhi. Join us in our mission to empower young minds and transform lives through education.
Leading Healthcare NGO in India with Best Mobile HealthcareSmile Foundation is one of the best NGOs for healthcare in India, providing essential health services to underserved communities, including Delhi. Discover our impactful health programs and find healthcare support near y
Impact - Smile FoundationFollowing a lifecycle approach, Smile Foundation works intensively through focused welfare projects in four major areas – child education, healthcare for families, skills training and livelihood for youth, and community
Bajaj FoundationBajaj Foundation is Bajaj Group’s philanthropic arm that’s engaged in creating self-reliant villages through strategic and relevant interventions.
Leadership - Smile FoundationSmile Foundation is a people-driven organization – right from the people who started it with a vision, to the people who work with us to bring change at the grassroots, to the people who support our work, and most import
Reach Presence - Smile FoundationSmile Foundation reaches out to over 15,00,000 underprivileged children, youth women through various Development projects across India.
Bajaj FoundationBajaj Foundation is Bajaj Group’s philanthropic arm that’s engaged in creating self-reliant villages through strategic and relevant interventions.
NGO in India for Education, Healthcare, Women EmpowermentExplore Smile Foundation, a leading NGO in Delhi, India. Visit our NGO website to support education, healthcare, women empowerment, and livelihood initiatives in Delhi and across India.
Good Governance - Smile FoundationSmile Foundation has a four tier audit and evaluation mechanism to ensure the impact of the investment and accountability in utilisation of funds.
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